Tag: apfel

  • Delicious Mini Apple Chocolate Pies

    Delicious Mini Apple Chocolate Pies

    So hear it is a dip into apple paradise that is packaged in a Chocolate Crust, and a little bit of Marzipan(similar to these PEAR-PIES), to add a unique sweetness to it all. Why not make it an Apple Chocolate Pie? September is a typical Apple Month, when the fresh apples fall from the trees,…

  • Nothing is the way it seams – French Fries with a twist !

    Nothing is the way it seams – French Fries with a twist !

    Sometimes there just gotta be a little fun in the Kitchen. Not saying that Baking is joyful enough, it’s most defiantly the other way around. I find it relaxing and enjoy it very much. However sometimes we have images in our head when we see foods, what they should taste like, but do they really…

  • Apfel Eierlikör Cupcakes

    Apfel Eierlikör Cupcakes

    ***UPDATE: I am sorry this Post is in German. In the future there will probably will be translated, until then please feel free to email me for a Translation. Manchmal ist es erstaunlich wie schnell die Zeit vorbei geht… nun ist schon wieder knapp eine Woche her und ich befinde mich noch immer an dem…