Category: Pies & Donuts

  • The connection between ABC & Donuts in Finland ? + Raspberry Oven Donut Recipe

    The connection between ABC & Donuts in Finland ? + Raspberry Oven Donut Recipe

    Like much of the Rest of the World Donuts, with are Munkki in Finland are also a thing. At many Cafes and Gas stations, which are a hangout place in Finland, you will find the delicious Munkki. The more traditional Finnish Donuts are classified as the Plain Donuts and turned in a mixture of Sugar…

  • Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts + DIY Donut Pan

    Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts + DIY Donut Pan

    ~ These Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts, have the perfect combination of a fluffy Donut, with a cake like texture, minus the excess amounts of Fat in a Regular Donut. ~  Have you ever wondered how to make Donuts semi-healthy? Without the Fat or Oil. See Donuts are generally Deep-fried and full of loads…

  • Delicious Mini Apple Chocolate Pies

    Delicious Mini Apple Chocolate Pies

    So hear it is a dip into apple paradise that is packaged in a Chocolate Crust, and a little bit of Marzipan(similar to these PEAR-PIES), to add a unique sweetness to it all. Why not make it an Apple Chocolate Pie? September is a typical Apple Month, when the fresh apples fall from the trees,…

  • Popcorn – Treats

    Popcorn – Treats

    ***UPDATE: I am sorry this Post is in German. In the future there will probably will be translated, until then please feel free to email me for a Translation.   Snap! Crackle! Pop! (™) oder besser gesagt Knisper! Knasper! Knusper! Die drei Maskottchen der Rice Krispies. Mittlerweile kennt sie jeder in Deutschland aber lange waren…

  • Blackberry Pie

    Blackberry Pie

    ***UPDATE: I am sorry this Post is in German. In the future there will probably will be translated, until then please feel free to email me for a Translation. Nach langen Überlegen und hin und her, bin ich auch nun da. Noch so ein Food-Blog. Oh mann!! Noch so jemand der seine Back Künste der…