8 Hours in Hong Kong on a Layover

8 hour layover in hong kong

Normally a Stop Over or Layover is always a burden. However, how about having enough time to explore a new City. See it as a chance, to export a city. Especially if your layover time is 13.5 hours which was the case on my flight to New Zealand. From the time given, it was an 8 hour layover in Hong Kong exploring a city I would have never gone to. Walking, after that my feet where a little tierd. Who would have thought, was enough time to get an first impression.

The Peak 8 hour layover in Hong Kong

Before arriving in Hong Kong I had the fear that I may not be able to enter the country. It turned out to be very easy. On the flight to Hong Kong I received a Landing card. With this I went through immigration NOT transit (You will not be able to leave the Airport.) A German citizen receives a free 3 month visitors visa and is allowed to go exploring. (Check before hand if you require a visa if passing through Hong Kong. Check for Visa Enteries here.

Off to exploring Hong Kong

The Airport Express Train takes 24 minutes to Hong Kong station, Hong Kong Station. 100 HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) for a same-day-return journey is a fair price. 1 HKD = 0,10 €

Hong Kong is a busting city with so many contrasts. There are parts where the Chinese (am I allowed to say that?) traditions are dominant and then there’s is the influence of the modern world. The city is split between the English and Chinese language, both are widely spoken on the streets. The again  Hong Kong was once colonzied by the British.  In a few hours it’s always hard to see everything, so I setteled on some major Tourist Attractions, the Peak, Hollywood Street, Man Mo Temple, Soho and the Central Markets. This gave me a very good overview of the city and an insight into a different culture, as this was my first Asia Trip.

The Peak

I have to say “Thank You Hong Kong for the Signs.” This allowed me to find the Peak Tram very easily, once I got of at Hong Kong station, exit D and headed towards the General Post Office, from there I just followed the signs to the Peak Tram.


the Peak 8 hour layover in Hong Kong

The Peak allows a great overview of the city, an image that can be found on a lot of postcards. (First Image is also captured from the Peak.)

When I arrived around 9:30am there is no line. I read that there are long lineups for the tram and an hour waiting time should be calculated. I didn’t really want to believe, that is until I saw the line when coming back down again around 11:30am. So either come early or plan an hour waiting. The other option is Bus 15 leaves from the ferry terminal and takes about 45 minutes to the top off the Peak.

Soho and Hollywood Road

The directions on the map I got at the Airport said the following: MTR Station exit D2 and turn right on Theatre Lane. Walk along Queens Road towards Center. Then take the Central-Mid-Escalator.

It’s all very simple to get there once you take the right turns and don’t wander off in the wrong direction. The most confusing thing of all of these Instructions where: Central-Mid-Escalator, I just didn’t know what to expect. Turns out there a series of Escalators that travel up the side of the Peak Mountain (it does not reach the peak platform). — But they where Escalator Stairs, how cool is that?


escalator stairs 8 hour layover in Hong Kong
The Esclators, that really are Escalators going up a Hill.
skyscrapers 8 hour layover in Hong Kong
Skyscrapers like found just like any other city, but yet somehow different. Do you understand what I mean?
traditional hong kong 8 hour layover in Hong Kong
Then you turn around, and find a more Traditional Hong Kong.

On Hollywood Road you will find a lot Antique Shops. Heading right (while looking up at the Peak) on Hollywood Road will bring you to the Man Mo Temple. It’s worth a look. It looks a lot different that your normal Church, you would find in Europe.

8 hour layover in Hong Kong
I really enjoyed these hanging rootes along Hollywood Road.
The Man Mo Temple, in the middle of the City. There is a Step into the Temple so that you are in a slight bowing position to the God.
central markets 8 hour layover in Hong Kong
The Central Markts are also in the Soho area. They look like any good Old Farmers Market at first, maybe you’ll Spot the small differences. Can you See them?

While wondering about, I came across the Protest Camps that where going on at the time in Hong Kong. I found them very intesting but, honestly I had respect and did not go to near. Would not wan to end up in the middle of it, when you don’t really understand 100% what they are fighting for.

8 hour layover in Hong Kong
The day was filled with a lot of new experiences and to top that it’s the first Asia destination that I have taken. Only spending a total of 175 HKD which was 20€ for the day. So it’s not even really expensive at all. If you have the opportunity use it. It will be worth it.

Spend you time will and use a 8 hour Layover in Hong Kong, to see and explore a new city. I highly recommend it. If you found this mini-guide useful (or not) please let me know.

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2 responses to “8 Hours in Hong Kong on a Layover”

  1. It’s great that you’ve made the best of your layover. Did you have a taste of their famous street foods? That’s what I’d like to do when I visit Hongkong.

    1. Thanx! I have to say it was my first time in Asia and I no I did not eat any of the street food, maybe I was to culture shocked. One day I will be back though.

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