Plane Trip: Auckland – Sydney – Santiago from Above

plane trip to chile Every story starts somewhere. And sometimes the world from above has it’s own charms and becomes an incredible place. And somehow without words images can tell a whole story all on there own.

A couple of days ago I said Good-bye to New Zealand,  and after 16.5 hours on the plane I ended up in Santiago, Chile. This plane trip to Chile was extremly special, for many reasons:

  1. Leaving the same place, Auckland, that I arrived 8 Month, was oddly comforting, because of the Journeey ahead, but sad as the New Zealand time would come to an end.
  2. Flying into and out of Sydney, was even more surreal, iI felt like it was a little bit of a dejavu. It  was the same place that I left 5.5 years ago. When you see something again or end up in a place that you have been somehow everything feels familiar. And besides all the way up to the Gold Coast the view is pretty amazing; especially from so high Above.
  3. On the way to the South American continent, I looked out of the widow at the exact right moment. What I saw took my breath away. There standing high where the Southern Alps of New Zealand. I felt like I could see Mount Cook in the distance (New Zealands highest Mountain). I got to say Good-bye a second time.
  4. Of course after such a long Journey, the View of your Destination.  Exiting because it was the first time seeing the South American continent, and being able to finally to complete a long term goal.

But come on lets be honest, the pictures are so much more exiting.


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After 8 Month leaving New Zealand again from Auckland

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Another view of the Northland leaving Auckland!


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From far and high above the Gold Coast of Australia.


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Hidden in the Clouds, the Skyscrapers of Sydney.


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After 4 Hours, a special view the Southern Alps of New Zealand


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I swear I can see Mount Cook, a place I spend most of my New Zealand time.


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The Catlins a very remote and secluded area of New Zealand.


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Nugget Point a place to see the Yellow-Eyed Penguin.


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Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.


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A first view of the South American Continent, and the plane trip to Chile has almost come to an end.


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The first view of the Andes of Chile!

Looking back on it, the “included”  flight over the Southern Alps was the highlight of the incredible long flight. It was wonderful to see, all these snow covered peaks.  Now another flight will not come for a while, maybe next year, but even though for now I am super exited because the plane trip to Chile  means that I have arrived in South America.

Have you been on a plane trip to Chile or anywhere else in South America?

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