5 Bucket list items in New Zealand & Goodbye!

Do you have a Bucket List?

If you don’t then its high time that you start. It really does not have to be long but, I can guarantee you, it will become longer as you add over to the years. Some times will probably be funny items, some a little more serious!

These are 5 Bucketlist items in New Zealand, that where ticked of my List.

1. See the first Sunrise of the Year in the World.

Bucketlist items in New Zealand New Zealand is one of the few countries that lie in the first time Zone after the International Date Line, giving the chance to NOT only the first Sunrise in a New Year, but to see the first in the World. I saw it on the Coast of Kaikoura. Have you done it?

2. Baldwin Street in Dunedin

This street is the steepest Residential Road in the World. Yes it is even worth than the Famous San Francisco streets. It can be found in the North part of Dunedin.

3. Seeing Penguins outside of the Zoo

The last thing I would have expected New Zealand to have were Penguins. I mean really how can this country pretty much have it all.   The Yellow-Eyed Penguins can be seen here, better stop on your next Holiday or would you rather go to the Penguin Crossing to visit the Smallest Penguins in the World?

4. Find a National Food – Pavlova

Now this might bring some controversial as New Zealand and Australia both claim to have claimed this Desert as there own. I however never heard of it during the whole 10 month while in Australia. Therefor my VOTE goes out to New Zealand.

I had the chance to bake this Desert during my stay on Kawau Island. It was the first time I had ever made let alone,or taste it for that matter. I was told I had made the perfect Pavlova, crunchy on the outside and a beautiful fluffy marshmallow on the inside. This desert is very popular during the Summer month and a Christmas Classic. I can understand it is a very light desert.

5. Bungee Jump in New Zealand

The first Commercial Bungee Jump of a Bridge was created by AJ Hackett in New Zealand in 1988. This was the Kawarau Bridge, around 20 minutes outside of Queenstown. It has a height of 134m. I always felt that a Bungee should be done in New Zealand and of a Bridge.   Here you see what happens when you say you want to Touch the Water with your Hands, might I add on a semi-cold May Day. I was glad I was traveling by car and had the chance to immediately change.

But lets be honest I was terrified while standing at the edge, and my legs where shaking like crazy. Eventually I jumped in the most un-elegant way possible. But hey I jumped! If I had to chose between a Skydive and a Bungy jump now that I have done both, I would definetaly pick the jump out of a plane anyday. To me there was just more adventurous and action packed.

What is on your Bucket List?

As I am currently writing this I am somewhere high up in the Sky on my way to Sydney. YES you heard right; After 230 Days or roughly 7 Month the time has now come to say GOOD BYE New Zealand. 

If you don’t already know where I am headed, then hold on a minute longer as I tell you how Auckland surprised me the second time around. Maybe it was because I knew what I was expecting. Or because it was Winter and it was not as busy on the streets? But as a last “treat” for my self I decided to go up on the Skytower. An Advantage of Winter, the Sun set early. And this allowed me to view the Sunset und the Lights of the City early in the Evening. Auckland looks almost peaceful.  The time has come to embark the Dream that I decided against back in November. See not everything always goes as planned. But I am super exited that this is becoming a reality. Somehow it does not seam real at the point yet. From Sydney I am South America bound. To be more exact Santiago, Chile is the first port of call. And this time I have planned to go by myself, as I am sure I will meet others who I can join up with.

“People come into you life for a season, a reason or a lifetime.”

I have made it to Santiago de Chile safe and sound. It was the longest flight I have been on, a total of 13 hours. What a trek that was! I would also like to mention I left Auckland at 7am on July 11, with a 3.5 hour flight to Sydney; arriving at 9:30am and leaving at 11:30am it was still the same day when I arrived in Santiago after 13 hours. I arrived in Santiago at 11am, making this day, July 11, a total of 40 hours. And this is the first view of the South American Continent:  Of course in South America I have a few Bucket List items that I looking forward not only to completing but seeing them. The most special one will be Macchu Piccu an the Inka Trail. This has been on my Bucket List since I was about 7, a time when I though Peru was in Africa. Oopss!

Have you been? Do you have any insider tips, maybe even some Bucketlist items in New Zealand? 

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