The Postcard Photos: Iguazu Falls in Brazil

Iguazu Falls in Brazil

Iguazu Falls in Brazil to be or not to be? That shall be the Question.

After visiting the Argentina Side the previous day, I was contemplation if it would really be worth it to spend the $80 (ARS Pesos) on the bus and the R$52 (Brazil Real) on the Park to go and see the Brazil side of the Iguazu Waterfalls. This whole thing felt like such a hassle.

In the end I decided to go around mid day and get on that Bus, the Bus only took about 45 minutes to the Park from Puerto Iguazu, Argentina.  I would only be there once anyway. Besides now I can say I have spent half a day in Brazil and I got a Passport stamp to prove it. (However I swear it will be filled with Argentina stamps by the time I am done, and yes I have EIGHT in my Passport now. :D) This is the advantage of having a European passport, especially a German, as there are no Visa requirements for Brazil. Canadians and Americans for example need a pre-applied Visa. If you are not planning on going to Brazil the roughly $150 US is a large investment for only a Day. I would not recommend risking crossing the Border without a visa, I have heard this was possible, and some have made it across successfully while other were checked and sent back. Honestly is it really worth the challenge or the risk? It is after all breaking the Law.

I went for the Bus that would wait at the Border and this made the whole thing hassle fee. I would definitely recommend spending the extra few dollars, than going with the locals bus and having to wait at the border for the next Bus, as locals do not need their Documents checked.

Arriving at the Park it really became a shock, compared to the Argentina Side it was so tiny. With only one Walk that was 5 KM long. This was pretty much everything that you could do in this park. Of course I should mention for Free, there where those payed Safari Tours that where available. I somehow expected this park to be similar to the Argentina Side, once in the Park you could start walking and explore, and roam around as pleased. Of course like on the Argentina Side, also hear you can see the “cute” Codies. They are so desperate for food, DONT FEED THEM, that they even climb into Garbage Cans.

However at the main Terminal / entrance there was a Bus waiting to take you do the different parts of the Park. Looking at my free map I soon understood, that it was going to be a long ride ahead and not as walkable as the Argentina Side. The Bus ride lasted around 15 minutes to the end where the Main Walk was located. I was honestly asking myself still, if it was really worth it to see the Brazil side as well all along the Bus Ride.

Hotel at Iguazu Waterfalls, Iguazu Falls in Brazil
If you are looking to spend a little more money how about stay at this hotel, which is located just outside the Walk and View of the Waterfalls.

Similar to the day before, all thoughts of doubt were forgotten as soon as this view came into focus after getting of the Bus. It was plain perfect, and the typical Postcard, picture perfect Panorama Photo was in front of me of the Iguazu Waterfalls. So YES! The Iguazu Falls in Brazil show the perfect Photography.

I was standing on the Platform, that I had spied the day before while waiting for the Boat ride. While in Argentina, I asked myself  “If the people “up there” where actually in Brazil”. Turns out they where, and today I was that person looking down on them. Continuing down the River I did not know what to expect but it turned out to only get better by every outlook. It was panoramic perfect, like the perfect Postcard. So if you decide to visit the Iguazu Waterfalls and are after the famous Postcard picture, I am sorry to break it to you but you will have to go on the Brazil Side. You should add this to your Bucket List right away. (Although I have always wanted to go, I never considered the Waterfalls to really be on my Bucket List. So psst… I added them now.)

At this point in time I was already so amazed by the closeness of the Waterfalls and the view I was getting. Yes it is probably not the most nature orientated Waterfall, as it does have a boardwalk and entry fee; but at least it protects the environment for future generations. This Boardwalk ended at the Devil Throat with a different view that on the Argentina Side. I can’t believe how many meters and meters it drops with no end. It’s like a canyon that runs down and is filled with one Waterfall after another. There is no way not to get wet, so like the Argentina Side a Towel or a Poncho might come helpful.

The final view on the Brazil side was a Lookout tower over the Devil Throat, where you could also see the Argentina Side. What a picture Perfect Finish. And even my Camera told me it was time to call it a day, as the batteries died right after this Photograph.

Iguazu Falls in Brazil

So in conclusion; The Iguazu Waterfalls should be on everyone’s Bucket List. They are an incredible Nature World Wonder and both the Argentina and Brazil side are worth seeing. Each side having its own uniqueness. It is not one of the cheapest Attractions to see, but worth every penny. You can’t begin to image the amount of force that is behind these Waterfalls until you see it for yourself, even a Video would NOT do any justice. If you are wondering how to get there, head over to the Argentina Side.

Have you been? What side did you like better?

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6 responses to “The Postcard Photos: Iguazu Falls in Brazil”

  1. Rashmi&Chalukya

    The magnificent Iguazu Falls are spectacular and breathtaking. We can only imagine how it would have been like standing there with the cool breeze and the chill of the shower on the face. You have captured the beauty of the falls beautifully.

    1. Thank you, they are never ending when there, and on a hot day that cool breeze is fantastic.

  2. waterfall is very large and spacious. may not dare to be near the waterfall. but the view of the waterfall from far away places are very beautiful. I really like to see this waterfall.

    1. You don’t need to worry. As this is a popular Tourist Attraction there are fences and gates with designated Walking Routes everywhere to make sure no one falls. You would be safe.

  3. I love to see waterfalls. Not only are they great in pictures but when you are actually standing there and seeing it with your eyes the experience is just breathtaking. This is definitely a must-add to my bucket list.

    1. Picture can only show the reality to some degree, you just have to experience this in real life to compensate.

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