Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World

What Happened to 2018? A small Reflection of the Year so far.

Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year

Hello World and hello 2018, with a small reflection of the year 2017!

I have a Question what the hell happened to the first Quarter of the Year?
I mean really where has it gone, can you believe it is already April almost May?

I feel like these three month have passed in a blink of an eye and I did not do anything productive or worth mentioning.

Although that is a lie, but you know when you just feel like you have not done much.

I guess that means it is time for a small reflection of the year so far because what else would one do.

How stupid is that?

We always say that time is the most valuable thing that we have but a lot of the times we take it for granted. Like we don’t make the most of it.

Just WOW! Everytime we look at the clock it just ticks away, passing by us. In between there are hopefully a few pieces of Joy, Hope and moments of Laughter. But those are not the only factors that determine our life. Among the Happy moments there are times of exhaustion, tierdness and probably even a little fear.

But even if the year of 2018 is already happening and already on the role, this year will bring great things I can feel it.

This time like so many other times in my life, the reason however is quite simple, as to why the first quarter has passed so quickly. That does not mean it is all Garbage or Trash. Because sometimes we go these longer routes to the Destination, because there is a lesson or a view that we should not miss. Besides even Garbage can sit at beautiful views, we just need to look a little harder.

reflection of the year Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World

The Reason this time: Seasonal Work. This time working in Switzerland for the Season.

While it is very exiting and always an experience, you are moving to a new place each and every time. You have to make new Friendships, or decide every time if it is worth it this time. Exploring the new City, place and area around you can be more exhausting and time consuming as you may think.

And while working for a Season is great and will open many doors for you the glory and the red vail will soon wear off. You are after all living and working in one place and not moving. You will see the same places and have the same walk to work. PRETTY soon it will be normal. As normal as it is anywhere else. Because we do adjust and adapt and this involves adjusting to irregular working hours, and maybe not finding you groove as easily as you may think.

And you know what? As soon as the reality sets in and you have you groove after the whole Busy Season, and the exploration of the new place, the season is over. Like nothing happened, like the year has flown by in a blick of an eye!

Even though it is like two month late, I wanted to reflect in Photographs on the last part of 2017. Looking back there where and was a lot more Holidays than I can actually remember. And since a couple of years Michael von Erkunde die Welt has always done a Photoparade, that I am a great fan of, and the next one already starts in 6 weeks! WHAT?!

So sometimes the Motto is better late than never. But is is a great way for me to get back into the groove of Inkas Tour. I guess I am getting old, and working 3 weeks pretty much straight with a couple half days off it not my Jam anymore, besides I felt like I was ALWAYS tired.

So, Here is to the last 6 month of the Year 2017!

Among these are/ where even four Countries I had never been to before: Croatia, Bosnien Herzegovina, Slovenia and Ireland. But Austria, England, Spain and Germany were also among the countries.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Stone Castle in Ireland. Where no clue but it looks pretty!
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
The Cliffs of the Ireland Coast, Dangerouly high but beautiful and amazing.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World
Just another Sunset in Ireland.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Rainbow over the Street into the Ocean, Ireland. Like what where is this pot of gold?

Black and White

Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
A Cow on a hill, Ireland.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
A Butterfly in Croatia at the Plitvice National Park.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Another Butterfly? Or a Sea Shell? You choose they are both animals.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Just some Nature, and Tourism together in Trieste, Italy on the way to Croatia.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Beautiful body of water in the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia.

Close up Shot

Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Along the Coast of Ireland, a flower living dangerously close to the cliff.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
A little bit of Mushroom explosion

City Views

Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Lisbon, Spain just some fancy tiles on the house falls. It is really a piece of art.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Freilicht Museum Detmold, Germany. A place where old houses from the last centruy find a new home to showcase how our Ancestor lived.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
London, in Hyde Park many Swans and Seagulls seam to be hungry.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
A bee and the flower, they could not live without each other, the question is do they want to? Germany.


Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
Ireland and Shamrocks are like Coffee and Milk, a little bit of “tradition and tourism” combined in one.
Photography Diary Parade Photodiary Inkas Tour Travelblogger Photography Salad around the World reflection of the year
The Valleys are low, the Mountains are high, and the heather keeps on growing in Ireland.

That was it, 2017 is now officially over that means 2018 can start in full amazingness! Let the Fireworks begin!

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