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The Salkantay Trek in 43 Photographs – Inkas Tour

The Salkantay Trek in 43 Photographs

The Salkantay Trek is an alternative Trek to Reach Machu Picchu. It will lead you through the a beautiful part of the Andes and finally leading through the Rainforest to reach the Ancient City of the Inkas. Once you have completed this Trek you will have a different view on the Inkas. On the Salkantay Trek you will learn to appreciate the Nature and with Stories and legends be told get an impression what was important to the Inkas. Are you asking yourself why you should hike this Trek, and Work are not enough. No problem 10 Reason to Hike the Salkantay Trek should be enough. But really Photographs tell a better Story than a bunch of words.

Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
The Start of the Trek,far in the Distance the Salkantay Mountain.
Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Early on, there is this amazing view of Nevado Salkantay.

The Afternoon of the first day is spend; hiking 350 meter in elevations from the camp to Lake Humantay. This is just a little taste to what will await the next day. And with this amazing view of the Ice on the Stone Face of these Mountains, it is pretty amazing. Even the Water is crystal clear. On a nice Summer Day this would also be a nice place to go for a little swim. Do you dare?

Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Sunrise, after the first night of Camp. This is also the Trail to the Humantay Lake from the Afternoon Before.
Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Nevada Salkantay, looming over the Valley.The Hardest Part of the Trek, the Salkantay Pass. With an elevation gain to 4650 meters, even some of the most experienced Hikers will get slower, only due to the lack of Oxygen.
Salkantay Hike Machu Picchu
Of course there are some Fellows who are used to the Elevation like this one.
Salkantay Hike Machu Picchu
Our Donkeys, carrying the Luggage, tents and food. What a luxury, but also what makes this trail possible for us. Not only are the Donkey’s incredible fit but also the Porters, they manage to climb this Pass in just under two hours.

A view back down the Valley of the Covered Distance, and a View of the to be covered Distance. Almost there! …. and FINALLY Reaching the Top!

Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Once the Highest Point in Reached at an Elevation of 4650m, the Elevation will quickly decrease again, and the trek continues down back in the Valley.

Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu From the Dry Andes, the Vegetation quickly changes into lush Rainforest, all in one Day.

Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Heaven, Rainforest, Waterfalls
Salkantay Trek Machu Picchu
Up and Down the Hike goes, one Valley down another Up. Somehow the ever changing Landscape makes it all not as bad as it should be.


Along the Tracks on from Hydroelectrica to Aqua Clients, the final night Stop before Finally reaching Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is a Dream come true for so many of us, and it is amazing and beautiful but there is also a Dark Truth about it. If you feel like you want to know about it then this is you chance.

I can not say more than WOW, I think that describes it all. What do you think? Is Machu Picchu on you Bucket List?. Or maybe even the Salkantay Trek?

Machu Picchu Inkas Tour_17

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8 responses to “The Salkantay Trek in 43 Photographs”

  1. Such amazing photos. That view… except the bones. lol I think a hike of that magnitude doesn’t require bones lol

    1. Haha, yes maybe you are right, but I feel like I have to Defend to Bones. They symbolize a part of the Inka Culture. They show that up until today a lot of people in Peru believe in the same views as the Inkas did. This Bones are the remains of a sacrifice of a Llama, to thank Pachamama (Mother Earth). With that knowledge I find the Bones have a different meaning. And are just a part of this magnificent Hike.

  2. What stunning photos! I didn’t even know that there was an alternative hike to Machu Picchu. I would love to see the mountains covered with ice, but I don’t think I would be brave enough to go for a swim. Too cold!

    1. I was not brave enough either to go for a Swin, then again it was Winter.
      The Salkantay Hike is an amazing trail, however it has become a lot more popular in the last years, and I am sure will have the same constrictions as the Inka Trail soon.

  3. This is such a epic hike and your photos capture brilliantly your amazing experiences and the absolutely stunning landscapes. It must have indeed been a thrilling experience.

    1. Thank you so much! Have you done the trip? Yes it was a huge accomplishment as I had wanted to do it for so long!

  4. NO WORDS needed with stunning images like that – what an amazing place, and one that I have never been too. I am going back to gaze at all those fabulous photos again, such an inspirational place to visit…….Karen

    1. Thanx you so much! If you ever get the chance you should go because some places are so underrated and only the “main” spots get visited.

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