An Autumn Walk on a Rainy Day

autumn_walkWhen the weather is grey, cloudy and rainy outside, motivation is at its lowest. It’s no fun going outside without a proper raincoat, an umbrella and some Rainboots. An Autumn Walk could be the answer because with the perfect items of clothing it could be quite fun. On those days where we don’t want to step outside and do anything worth while, I feel like remembering the happy colourful colors of Autumn is a much better way to go, than getting wet and cold. Really I am talking about staying in sweats, and taking a virtual Autumn Walk on a rainy day.

A beautiful view over a small village in the North West of Germany.

It is also that cross between the last days of Autumn, the change in the season. That crisp winter air already in the Atmosphere, and the last leaves of Autumn that are on the ground. A time to remember, a time to dweal on the past season. You never know who quickly the season can just change, from one day to the next. Like in Wanaka, a beautiful Autumn day and the next day it’s a Winterwonderland. So while you still have a chance, go out for a Autumn Walk, I am sure you won’t regret it.

Today on the first of Advent, when the day is exactly like that. Dark grey and a little stormy, when the nicest place is defiantly staying in bed all day. (Trust me I didn’t, it would be a waste of a beautiful day) When the first candle light is lit on the Advents wreath, towards the anticipation of Christmas, and the advents season starts. It can be magical without snow, but so much better if there is just a little bit on the ground.

Autumn is the most beautiful season, besides spring.

I love when the colors change, when the sun is just low enough to give you the perfect glow. The golden hour has a different warmth than any other time of the year, when light plays in perfect harmony with nature.

On the last possible chance, because I am such an Autumn fan; I am going to dwell a little in Autumn Heaven, and think about the beautiful colors of Autumn that have just passed. Did you know I was even lucky enough to experience two Autumns this year? The first was in May and I spend some quality time in Wanaka, New Zealand. Somehow the colors where a lot more Orange.

No mater if it is virtual, or not virtual, a walk into the nature is always beautiful, and brings inspiration to our minds and souls. It gives us a new look on life and a piece of positive energy.

Have you ever taken an Autumn Walk? Are you as fascinated as me from all the beautiful colors?

All images are taken around a small town named Sommersell in Germany.

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