Category: Cakes

  • Easy Pavlova Recipe with Rhubarb or Cherries

    Easy Pavlova Recipe with Rhubarb or Cherries

    Are you afraid of beating Eggwhites? Or even making Pavlova? Regardless of if you have heard of Pavlova or not you will fall in LOVE with this super easy Pavlova Recipe, to make all of your guests guessing what this wonderful dessert is made of. Pavlova is a wonderful recipe from New Zealand. The Australians…

  • Gin and Lemon Bundt Cake

    Gin and Lemon Bundt Cake

    Every Desert triggers a Story, much like this Gin and Lemon Bundt Cake. Some remind of us of our Childhood others of Grandma’s Famous Cake or Mom Speciality. Or that amazing Cake someone baked for your Birthday. Each time we enjoy something sweet a new Memory is build, that might become a reminder in the…

  • Banana Chocolate Bomb

    Banana Chocolate Bomb

    What can there be better than Banana and Chocolate together in one combination. Today this will be short, cute and yeah a small whimsical Cake. (It’s one of those Baked Delights when I just gotta happen fast and be fast to make, one of many out there.) Was gibt es besseres als Banane und Schokolade?…

  • Toffifee Birnen Kuchen

    Toffifee Birnen Kuchen

    Deutschland back mit Toffifee, zufällig als ich mal im Supermarkt unterwegs war, natürlich in der Süssen Abteilung, bin ich auf diese Aktion von Toffifee gestossen, na eigentlich war es mein kleine Schwester die darauf gestossen ist. Weil sie Tofifee verschenken wollte. Da dachte ich mir nimmst mal noch ne Packung mit, kann ja nicht schaden.…