inkas tour old victorian house in new zealand

Into the past : Staying in an old Victorian House in New Zealand

Inka Tour Old Victorian House in New Zealand

The once time I stayed in an old Victorian House in New Zealand, I felt like I had stepped into a fairy tale and back into time. The House was build in 1907, with still the old charm in tackt. During the winter month only the Backend of the House, was used during the day, as it cost to much wood to heat. Yes Wood! The House never had central heating installed and still got heated using fireplaces. Almost each room had it’s own fireplace. Besides that there where a total of 140 Windows.

There are a couple of of old Victorian Houses in New Zealand all I am sure unique and charming in their own special way. When walking into this place you had this old smell in the house, but it was not muffy but rather like pages of an old book. The House was absolutely beautiful. I felt like I was in a museum and imagined the woman running around in the ball grown style dresses, the men playing crochet however outside, and having gentlemen “meetings” on a warm sunny day.

A Grand Set of Stairs led up to to Bedrooms. There where servant stairways leading into the Kitchen. It is like a House out of the Picture Book, one from the Movies. Not to forget the Children’s Room with toys that looked as old as the House, that was of course right beside the Ladies Room. On the other side of the House is/was the Men’s Room. In the old days Woman where of course not allowed down this Hallway. I am glad that had changed, and some fun pool sessions happened. Although I honestly and really suck at Pool.

The Kitchen was modernized with the exception of the old oven/stone, that was still located in the original spot. It was mainly used for heating and slow-cooking, but yet still functioning.
There was even a triple oven and with fresh Lemon and Limes in the garden, this Gin and Lemon Bundt Cake will always remind me of the time staying here. Honestly what better fits than a Gin and Tonic than to this House, so of course a classical yet whimsical combination of Lemon and Gin in a Cake fit just as well.

When I saw this House on Help X I knew I just needed to stay there, a Bucketlist item you just didn’t know you had until that very Moment, and I am so glad I did even though Faith played a trick on me. When I created my own personal most authentic travel experience I had eliminated all farms, turned out this Beautiful Victorian House was both and in the end I am glad.

On a property on which the Old Victorian House stand on has 60 acres, that means there is a lot of Grass to mow, but with the help of 16 Cattle they was no problem with that, and enough for them to eat. There where some Chickens and not to forgot Borat. Probably the cutest and ugliest Pig I had ever seen. It turned out to be a mini farm that provided a unique experience, especially for all those people who had never lived or worked on a farm but just wanted a small glimpse of it all. The rolling hills around the House where stunning and beautiful to look at. Somehow it was a magical place.

The days where filled with simple tasks like: removing Jasmin from the Garden, moving the electrical fence to give the Cows some fresh grass.It was so cute, the Cows trotted behind you, ready to explore and play in the new grass.
Collecting Eggs, and feeding Borat. He was my Favourite.

The overall experience was amazing. It felt like I was integrated into the family right away, and even when they had company over, Max and I where included in the Dinner. Well acctually we made Dinner but we both volunteered to make it, with turned out to be fun. The only thing that was negative was that the nights where a little spooky, you could here the cracks of the House and the wind holding outside. But what do you expect from an old house?

  • This is a Authentic Travel Experience, however the Family is currently not hosting.-

Have you ever had the experience to stay in an Old Victorian House? Is is something you would add to you Bucketlist?

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