Mueller Hut Track- 5 things that made it Memorbale

The Mueller Hut Track was a Challenge, a Struggle and an Accomplishment. It was one of the things on my Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park Bucket List. So even though no matter how hard this was I had wanted it accomplished. This way is a complete Summery of my Challenge over a total of over 2200 Stairs and a total incline of 1000m.

On the final Stretch when my legs where feeling like Jelly, when I could already see my “home” in the Distance, I was reflecting on the Hike in my Head. I was thinking about how all the ‘hype’ about Mueller Hut came to be. Then realizing that the View over the Hooker Valley alone was worth it. However as each Experience is different, I wanted to share my five Highlights of this Hike that kept me going. Because really it is always the smallest and unexpected things make something most rememberable and unique.
Simple Things make me happy. Sometimes we forget to appreciate the small things in life. And these definitely made my Mueller HutTrack so much better, and worth all the Struggle.

1. Rainbow over the Hooker Valley

On the way up to Mueller Hut is was changing from a Beautiful Sunny day to a NOT so pleasent day. The Rain was drizzling down slowly. Of course this did not add to the Hiking Pleasure but I did push on and was rewarded with this amazing Rainbow right over the Hooker Valley.

Hooker Valley, Mueller Hut Track

2. Reaching Mueller Hut at Night

It felt like the Mueller Hut Track was forever. It was a reeeaaallllllyyyyy long Hike and there is nothing more rewarding then reaching the final Destination.  It took me longer than the normal person, so at this point I was pretty tired. But I did it and that was the main thing. My final destination was the Mueller Hut, as I really wanted to stay overnight (for the next two reasons, that did not disappoint me.)

Mueller Hut, Mueller Hut Track  

3. The amazing clear Night Sky and my first astrophotograhpy attempt.

There are so many Photographers out there, especially of Night Photography. I believe even they started somewhere at some point. So these are my first attempts of some Night Photography, in one of the places with probably the clearest Night Sky’s in the World. (Feeling pretty lucky).

Mueller Hut,Mueller Hut Track 

4. The Most epic Sunrise in the Morning

There is nothing better than beautiful Sunsets and Sunrises. But a Sunrise from above with Mountains is even more worth it than everything else. It’s all about enjoying the small gifts of nature. How often do you get up early just to watch the Sun rise?

Mount Cook,Mueller Hut Track

5. The Canada Geese

On the way back, down the Hooker Valley, when my legs felt like Jelly I saw these. The Canada Geese! Or do they also have a different name? They are a little far away from Home! (I though they only lived in Canada.) This was the first and only time I had seen them in New Zealand so far. Have you seen any Canada Geese? Are they known to have a different name in other parts of the world? Hooker Valley,Mueller Hut Track

So what ever happens, I am sure you will be able to have your own top 5 after this amazing yet difficult Hike. Then again I have also heard some people say that Mueller Hut Track is a really easy and simple hike. This is only my personal option, make your own experience.

Have you done Mueller Hut Track ? What was your experience like?

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