This is an OLD Version of the Bucket List, this way to the UPDATED VERSION!
“All Dreams come true, if you have the courage to pursue them. “
A list of Goals, we all have one in our head, however it does help writing them down. Having them in one place will give you a better overview, of everything that you want to accomplish.
The First time I had really heard of a Bucket List was, when “A Walk to Remember” came out and he completed her list, before she sadly passed away. However I though it was amazingly cute. The one thing I got from this was, two be in TWO places at once, since that point I have learned that its possible to be in three and four places at once. So of course I added this.
According to the Websters Dictionary this is the following definition of a Bucket List;
- a list of things one has not done, but wants to before dying
So here goes nothing, my Bucket List:
- Visit Macchu Piccu
- Get the Stamp “End of the World” in my Passport
- See the Salyar de Uyuni at Sunset
- Bungee Jump in New Zealand
- Get a Skydiving License
- Join a Dragon Boat Race team for at least a season
- Learn how to Snowboard
- Work/ Volunteer on a Coffee Plantation
- Be in TWO, THREE and FOUR different places at once
- Work/ Volunteer on a Cocao Plantation
- Travel through South America
- See Penguin outside of the Zoo (Who would have thought New Zealand had Penguins?)
- Trek through the Patagonia Alps
- Go on a Safari
- Travelling by Train across Canada (Back in 2009, one of my first Big trips of travelling)
- Visit all 13 Provinces of Canada ( This I said I had originally completed on December 14, 2009, however I missed Newfoundland – so then on Septer 23, 2013 I stepped foot on the Last Province)
- Go Sightseeing in San Francisco
- Visit Venice, and take a Boat Ride
- Set Foot on all 7 Continents
- Take the Trans Sibiran Train (the Original Track)
- Run a Marathon
- Run a Triathalon
- Go to Disneyland or World
- Learn to speak Spanish
- Drink an Original Pisco Sour
- Harvest Wine
- Shower in a Waterfall
- Drive across America from coast to coast – Route 66
- Watch the Sunset in Santorini, Greece
- Visit Cornwall (as seen in the Rosemunde Pilcher Films) (went on a two Week road trip in June 2014)
- Go to Scotland and visit some Whisky Distilleries. (It was a beautiful drive, 3 weeks in October 2012,/turned out I only visited 15 Distillaries in total.)
- Stargaze at the Atacama Desert in Chile
- See the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
- See the Southern Lights
- Bathe in the Blue Lagoon (Iceland)
- Go see the Pyramids in Egypt
- Walk on the Great Wall of China
- Stay in an Overwater Bungalow in Bora Bora
- Live in a Treehouse
- Own a Cottage on the Water as a Residence
- See the First Sunrise of the Year in the World
- Get close and upfront with Mount Everest
- See a Polar Bear Live
- Travel by Cargo Ship
- See the Stonehedges in England (June 2014 – somehow they where not as impressive as I wuld have thought)
- Visit New York during the Christmas Season (combined with the Train trip cross Canada in December 2009)
- Visit the Grand Canyon
- See a Kangaroo in the Wild (WWH Visa in Australia 2009-2010, I don’t remember when I saw the first but i saw plenty of them.)
- Skydiving in Australia (completeted on December 14, 2008 Missson Beach over the Great Barrier Reef)
- Snokeling the Great Barrier Reef
- Ride in a Hot Air Ballon
- Go Swimming in the Black Sea
- Walking Across Abbey Street in London
- Visit Baldwin Street in Dunedin, New Zealand
- Give the Statue of Giza a High Five
- Pose with one of a London Guard
- Pick a Kiwi Fruit
- Fly in a Helicopter
- Ride a Camel
As this is an on going list, there will always be changes add ons, because really this is a Lifelist. Sometimes you just meet that one person, who will tell you about things you have not heard of before. That is just soo cool that you got to try and make it work.

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