Tranz Alpine Train to Arthurs Pass, NZ

One of New Zealands most scenic (Train) Jounrey’s, the Tranz Alpine Train.

Every Traveller has there own Agenda, what may seam cool and exiting to one is just boring to the other. Some like to Party hard, other like to drink Tea and watch the stars at night. But really what ever we like to do is because, it was right at that moment. Over the years I have noticed that my ways of travel have changed. Although I was never the Party person, in huge masses, there where some definitely wild nights that should not be discussed. Now a days I prefer the Cup of Tea or a good glass go wine. However there is one thing that has not changed, and that is my love for TRAINS.

Tranz Alpine Train

Sitting at that Window starring outside, I could just get lost in the another World thats passing by at High Speed outside, or maybe slower depending on what Country you are in.
New Zealand, may only have four Trains. Is it to small? I am not sure, but probably yes. Well I was sure to take one of these Trains.  Not that I had initiatively planned it but, there where definatally limited Transport options to the Arthurs Pass Village in which I resulted staying a total of four days. The ways to get to the Arthus Pass Village are Bus, Car or TRAIN. The Tranz Alpine goes from Chirstchuch (on the East Coast) to Greymouth (on the West Side) through/over Arthurs Pass.

Know as one of New Zealands most Scenic Journey’s I took the 
Tranz Alpine Train to the Arthus Pass. 

The Journey with the Tranz Alpine Train started early in the morning in Christchurch. It being the weekend, I just made it on time to the Train Station with about 5 minutes to spare, before the Train was actually leaving. And apparently you have to check-in to go on the train and get a designated seat. me not knowing this, I dumped my bags on a free seat, and actually got this seat assigned as well, after finding a Train Personal to help me get Checked In. The Busses just don’t run as frequently on Weekends. I made it so, Well I say “Go Me!”

The first part of the Train Journey went through the Canterbury Plains, with the Stunning Southern Alps in the Background.

Tranz Alpine Train  

Tranz Alpine Train

In New Zealand no Farm land would not be complete without one of two animals grazing along. Sheep or Cows take your pic! Well this time I represent some Cows to you, grazing along like they don’t care what is going on around them.

Tranz Alpine Train

Early into the ride, I left my designated Seat and went to the viewing cart, to feel the breeze and to be able to take pictures without having a window reflections. Besides I was enjoying all the Peace and Quiet. The Landscape was absolute stunning. Little Rivers flowing through.

Tranz Alpine Train

The Train Track Tour of 233km from Christchuch (East Coast) to Greymouth (West Coast), passes through a total of 19 Tunnels, with the Otira Tunnel being the longest. As this Tunnel is located after Arthurs Pass, I was not able to pass through it. However 16 of the 19 where on the way to Arthurs Pass. And just as we entered on of them I was able to capture the front of the Train.

Tranz Alpine Train

Once the amazing Gorge, which is also the Waimakiri River, came and we were passing on the Higest Viaduct of 73 meters, the viewing cart was overfilling. It was so full that people where almost pushing each other out of the view to get the best shot. Sadly I was on the wrong side of the cart, and only got a few shots mostly with peoples heads in the middle. These are my two best shots. The top is from the left side, which I guess most did not see as they where to concentrated on the Right side.

Tranz Alpine Train 

Well what can you do there will always be people who are not so considerate of others. I mean do you really need 50 pictures of one Gorge with a river flowing through it. I guess so! Regardless of the outcome I was happy to be on the quiet side and not having to deal with people pushing me from behind. So take you best Shot, and imagine what is just located behind those wonderful poles, because believe me it was beautiful, an image I will keep in my Head.

I can’t mention this enough but the scenery was so beautiful, small river flowing everywhere and the warm sunny day just made everything better. What a view, the Lupins growing on the Side (be aware these only grow November – January). At the half way mark of the Train Journey we had a little 5 minute stop to let the Drivers Switch. and the best part was the Viewing Car was again slowly become less crowded and I had my space, peace, and quiet again.

Tranz Alpine Train 

Although we are in the middle of nowhere with only Farm Land, a few Cows and probably some sheep somewhere, there is still a Caution Train. I mean it only runs every day, except for Christmas Day. Maybe Cows have learned to read these signs! I just can’t image who this sign would really be for.

Tranz Alpine Train

The Scenery and Landscape blew me away until we got to Arthurs Pass, the 2.5 hours Journey was epic and truly and amazing experience.

To me Train Travel is one of the best things, the landscape always feels so untouched and pure. I am really glad I took this Journey this Tour. I may not have had the best Shot, but it was just not meant to be. But as we got closer to Arthurs Pass I was exited like a little Kid on Christmas. (Wait is was almost Christmas. I took this Journey a couple of Month ago on December 22, 2014. To me this was my personal Christmas Present.)I wanted to explore this little Village, wait I later found out it was a Hamlet.Tranz Alpine TrainLet the Winds take you where you want, I truly enjoyed this Ride!

Do you like taking Trains? Would this be a Journey for you?

There are some times where you really just hate technology, you have just finished a post and then it does not safe. Such a pain. So here I am thinking I am done having to rewrite. Guess it was not meant to be. So this is version 2.0. I am sure its just as great as the first, that is forever lost in Cyberspace.

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