Category: Austria
On the Top at Sunrise, Kitzbuhler Horn
Sometimes we experience moments, Sometimes the moments experience us. They Define us. Sometimes other will think you are Crazy, Stupid or Clueless. When you do something out of the “Normal” you will receive these labels at some point or another. How can this idea be stupid? –> On the top at Sunrise, Kitzbuhler Horn! But…
Hiking to the Sinterbacher Waterfall near Kitzbühel
Sometimes the best hikes are just around the corner of our Home, like the Sinterbacher Waterfall. The Question to consider first is; What is Home? The Dictionary says: a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. / the place or region where something is native or…
Finding Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel
***UPDATED: May 17, 2017*** When you hear Gems what do you think of? These Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel just might surprise you big time. When hearing about; Kitzbühel three words will probably pop into your mind: World Cup Race, Hannenkamm and Rich. If it would not be for those factors Kitzbühel would probably not even…
Half Year Photography Reflection – Photoparade
Do you Remember exactly where you where in January? What you did in March? Your Answer is probably not. Some Photographs we take ages to Perfect, waiting for that Perfect Shot, while others are captured in the spur of a Moment. Each one of these Categories create a piece of Art and a Memory. It’s…