Often when traveling places, some are just not on you radar. Places that will surprise us and that are extremely cool and unique. Much like Colonia, Uruguay. Colonia is a ferry ride away from Buenos Aires and on a clear day you can see the skyline all the way from Colonia.
When you land in Colonia del Sacramento with a three hour ferry ride for 375 pesos or the speed-boat of one hour for 825 pesos; it feels like you have landed in another world. It is as though time stopped some 50 years ago.
Old cars lining up on the street, uneven cobblestone streets, and a feeling of peace and quiet. Although it becomes very touristy on the weekends, it being so close to Buenos Aries, everything just seems to go at a slower pace. A huge contrast to the modern Buenos Aieres, that is vibrant and busy.
When you want to get away from it for couple of days. Colonia del Sacramento is a great place to relax. I really enjoyed my time here and even stayed a day longer because after all the cities I really just needed a break.
There’s only so much to do in Colonia del Sacramento which include the Old City with the Lighthouse , a stroll along the Harbour Front, the Bullring (but cannot be entered anymore, however it is supposed to be fantastic from inside), the 6km beach (which I’m sure is great summer), a visit to Bodaga Bernardi and not to miss the Sunset over the bay.
The hostel I stayed up recommend going to Bodega Bernadi as they offer free wine tour. I thought why not; so along with two other girls from the hostel, we went to the bus station and got tickets for 49 Uruguay Pesos. We where all in a happy mood and looking forward to some wine and cheese until he got thrown out on the side of the road, and soon realized that the winery was closed. Because it was Sunday! This meant that the Hostel has given us the wrong information. I have a ready experienced this in Argentina everything is closed on Sunday; as it is known as a family day. They take this very seriously and family members get together and have a huge barbecue. My advice don’t plan anything for Sundays especially when it includes opening hours.
Anyways we decided to make the most out of it and explore the countryside of Uruguay little. There were some parts like this that remind me of the German countryside.
Then you have these parts where there are Estates and beside it is a run-down house, a total change in wealth. The coolest thing ever was this little car graveyard. I felt a little like that that I was in the movie CARS and these cars will start talking any wake up, from their deep sleep any minute. But I really did ask myself, why are really are they here?
I have found more old Cars here in South America that anywhere else especially Beetles and VW buses. Where they shipped to South American after they didn’t pass the inspection in other part so the world? Or are the Argentines better at maintaing their Cars?
Seeing the unspoiled countryside of Uruguay, gave me a new whole new look on things. It especially made me realize that in these countries the difference between the country and the city life is huge. But also that people in the country are not ness every poor, somehow the once with money have found there way here. But it does not matter where the people with the least amount, are the know to greet and say hello!
You take the weekend or longer it is worth a visit! The only small downside is the Brown Ocean, that I not very inviting and I probably would not wan to go swimming in the Summer, somehow the Sunset at the Pier, just makes up for it. However the Sunsets over even the Brown Ocean make up for it.
Would Colonia del Sacramento be a place for you? Maybe a weekend trip from Buenos Aires?

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