The capital of Germany is a Destination of every Europe Trip. But even for a Short Weekend Trip it is the perfect location, with a lot of things to do. Like most cities, the lights are fantastic to be shot at Night. The City comes to live in a whole different way. There is even a Light Festival once a year, that is on that List of mine. (You know the Bucket List).
I am not a really a City person, but even I sometimes enjoy a little City Time. A when in the Capital of Germany you got to do a little Tourist Sightseeing. It’s just mandatory. So obviously the Brandenburger Gate war on top to the list. (It be like going to Paris without seeing the Eifel Tower).
The Brandenburger Gate, which was originally part of East Germany is ” The Icon of Berlin” and of Germany.
So why did I end up going to Berlin in the first place? Simple Reason.
At the Beginning of April 2016 the first German Travelblogger Barcamp (#RBCamp16) was happening in Berlin. It’s like a Conference, where you plan your own sessions, out of Interest, a place to share thoughts, experiences, problems and ideas with like minded people. It was a cool experience to be a part of. There where Sessions about the ‘newest” and trendy Social Media Snapchat to Legal Regulations.
However the one topic that I was really keen to participate in was “ DSLR Photograph – Getting to of the Automatic Modus”.
The Concept, learning by doing fit perfectly here. Thanks to Romy I now understand the Basics that I am able to implement. I may not own a DSLR Camera, but learned that with my Compact Camera, with Manual Setting, I can produce just as amazing Images as with a DSLR Camera. (*happy dance*)
After a long day of sharing, exchanging and receiving Information, the evening of Saturday night was free for us to explore. Earlier in the Day I meet Josie from “Neue Meere Entdecken”, who was just as keen to “finally” Photograph in Manual Setting but who wanted to go on a little Berlin Sightseeing. It was time to go on Tour: Night Photography in Berlin.
Like I said if you are there you go and be a tourist. Besides cities are always more peaceful at night when the Day tourists have left. Cities then just have this Peacefulness about them.
First stop the Brandenburger Gate, where else?
Arrived at the Brandenburger Gate, just in time to see the last rays of Sunshine, and for the lights to turn on.
When standing on the Pariser Square, the Brandenburger Gate is not the only piece of History. The Adlon Hotel speaks for a different time. With a view of the Brandenburger Gate it was first opened in October 1907. However in 1945 it burned out completely. The Now standing Hotel Adlon is a historical New Blueprint, incorporation the old Traditions of the Hotel was build from 1995 to 1997.
Now the real reason to come hear was not to take a History lesson but rather learn how to properly manipulate the settings to get the “Perfect” Photograph. I think it went pretty well.
When something goes wrong this is something that the not so “Perfect” Photograph would look like, turns out the only difference between the Photographs from above to this one is the White Balance. Something so simple can give you a whole different outcome.
I am a little proud to announce that since then, I have taken about 90% of my Photographs in Manual Modus. There is just this different Spark going on, it feels like you have created something, that the Photograph comes alive in your Hands.
This exact feeling I get when I see pretty, beautiful, heartwarming Garbage Cans. Okay yeah probably a strange way to describe a Garbage Can. To get the whole story why on Earth I take picture of Garbage Cans, what I find so fascinating about them, follow this way for the WHOLE STORY. And with this I will leave you today.
Cities are a great Backdrop at Night, Night Photography in Berlin was a lot of fun, because of the Different hues of light. Do you have any experience with Night Photography?

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