Northland – New Zealand Trip Part 1

I believe everything happens for a reason. Traveling and going to a new country is full of challenges. Questions like where do I want to stay longer? What do I want to see? Where to go? And when on a Work and Holiday Visa, where do I want to stay longer to work? Those will all be questions we ask ourselves. ~ First Destination after a little Research: Northland, New Zealand. ~ By the way Northland is a Region/Province in New Zealand.

For this reason I initially started my trip with a Bus. As it was the cheapest and easiest way to see a lot of places for a reasonable price. I decided against the Backpacker busses as I found that I wanted a little more freedom, and from previous Tours I knew that once out of the “big” city the chances of finding travel buddies are always greater.

It turned out that my decision to travel up to Northland, New Zealand was one of the best I could have made. Not only did I meet a great travel buddy that I get along great with but I have the chance to see a lot of New Zealand in a short time and then decide where I want to spend some quality time.

As images often explain a Journey better, I am going to let them tell the story from Auckland -> Paihia (with a Bus)and extremely curvy roads.

DAY 1 November 26

Up to Northland, New Zealand to the City of Paihia (pronounced pie-here)

Northland, New Zealand
The landscape of the Northland, New Zealand
Sheep Northland, New Zealand
The first sheep, I saw cause there are so little here. (not)
Paihia, Northland, New Zealand
Beautiful blue water up the coast of Northland, New Zealand.
Paihia,Northland, New Zealand
A view from Paihia towards the Bay of Islands
Caution Curve, Northland, New Zealand
Caution Curve! Enjoying the view of the reflecting water.

DAY 2 November 27 th

Paihia -> 90 mile Beach -> Cape Reinga -> Paihia

A trip to Cape Reinga. The most northern point of the island. “The top of the bottom of the world.” Although I had to take a tour, it was well worth it and I would recommend it to anyone.
The day started with a little of a déjà vu. Six years ago when I was in Australia, the first official day of the west coast tour started in a similar way. In the morning we went sand boarding, in the afternoon we drove along a beach. Pure freedom! This time it was very similar, except that is was with a Bus and it all happened in the morning.

Cape Reinga, Northland, New Zealand
Cape Reinga and the signs in all the directions. The top of the bottom of the world.
Cape Reinga, Northland, New Zealand
Cape Reinga in the distance, watching the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean melt together.
Tasman Sea, Northland, New Zealand
The Tasman Sea
Pacific Ocean, Northland, New Zealand
The Pacific Ocean
90 mile Beach, Northland, New Zealand
The 90 mile Beach, which is really only 54.9 miles
Northland, New Zealand
Can you see the bus in the Distance? That will be me inside in a couple minutes
Kauri Tree Northland, New Zealand
These are Kauri dead Kauri trees, who are being rescued from the swamp areas, mainly on Farmlands. They are now being turned into furniture and other cool things.
Kauri Tree, Northland, New Zealand
Hear you can see the dimensions of these trees although they are not even the biggest once. The Roots of the Kauri Trees are very sensitive, hence all the Boardwalks.

DAY 3 November 28th

Paihai -> Haruru Falls -> Paihai
The Night before I had meet the lovely Alina, a German girl traveling New Zealand all on her own. As she had a car she offered me to come tour with her around, when she heard of my bus trip plans. Who with a sane mind would turn down such an opportunity? The morning was a little Rainy and was completed with a short afternoon walk of 1 hour to the Haruru Falls.

Haruru Falls, Northland, New Zealand
Somewhere in the distance are the Haruru Falls
Mangrove Trees,Northland, New Zealand
Through the Mangrove trees we go
Haruru Falls Northland, New Zealand
The Haruru Falls from a small distance
Haruru Falls, Northland, New Zealand
Chilling at the falls, watching the first fly close to the Haruru Falls.

Now that is an update of the first three days, soon there will be a new edition, stay tuned for Part 2 – Down the Coast and the Middle of New Zealand.

The beautiful Nature in Northland, New Zealand really surprised me, it was so beautiful. What is your favourite thing in Northland, New Zealand?

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