Sitting on top of a Mountain, or should I rather say hill looking over autumn in Wanaka, where all the leaves are coloured in golden yellow and orange hues, makes my heart skip….not a bad place is you ask me, to get some thoughts down on Paper. Well the digital Paper anyways.Its great how the world had become so modern that we can pretty much communicate from everywhere and still stay in touch.
Just now while sitting here I saw a cat, on the hunt. Is this New Zealands biggest Predetor? Have you ever wondered? Well it is all those warm – blooded Mammals the Humans introduced. These include Cats, domestic Dogs, Rats, Sheep and Deer and so on.
As my mind wonders … what beautiful Colors. Look that must be Rippon Vineyard, the “famous” Vineyard on the Wanaka Brochure.
Of some places there are expectations. I am gernerally not a person nor a Fan of big cities. All those shops, people rushing around and always having limited amount of time. Its just not the lifestyle I want to live. But maybe there will be a time that will prove me wrong.
Therefor one of the places that I have been wanting to visit again, since I first drove through it back in December was Wanaka. Those amazing Autumn color on all those Brochures, was just not fair. I mean most places promote Summer Images on there Brochures, but surly not Wanaka. The autumn colors are the most dominat here, and come on they are quite breathtaking. Honestly you have to enjoy Autumn in Wanaka it will blow away you mind.
I had set my self a mission after two failed attempts to leave Mount Cook on my days off that I would go and chase the Autumn of New Zealand. And I knew what my first stop would be, yep you got it Wanaka, New Zealand. And even though it was very late in the Season, I still got some beautiful colors.
There is something about this town that feels like home. I have already mentioned it here, when I stated that Wanaka reminds me a lot of Banff. Similar Lifestyle, same attitude and vibe that is in the Air. Gosh now you must be thinking this Girl is crazy, okay I might be a little but really who isen’t. But really you must have felt it before, someplaces feel more at home that others, some feel safe other not so much?!
“I think I could settle down in Wanaka potentially, if it was not so far away from everything else in the World. And that just kinda kills the mood for me. I would like to be somewhere beautiful but a place that lets me communicate, and hop of into a different culture for a weekend if I wanted that.”
Now Autumn in Wanaka is pretty cool, walking through the Forest and hearing the leaves crunch under your feet, makes me smile. 😀 But really guys its May, this not right. I feel like Halloween and Christmas are just around the corner. A concept for me that will never make much sense. A Kiwi did once tell me “Christmas is about sitting on the beach and drinking beer.” So what is Halloween then? How can you have Jack-a-Lanterns without it being Pumpkin season? And for you Northern Hemisphere People, yes there are currently Pumpkins sold in the Supermarkets.
What also makes Wanaka interesting is that there are so many things to take pictures of, at each turn something new. And everyday there are new and different colors. One night the Sunset is amazing, the next quite average.
On the other hand: some things are always the same. I had heard before about the famous Wanaka Tree, that the Photographer would line up to get the best shot. Especially at Sunrise and Sunset you could with out a doubt see everyone with there expensive equipment flocking around the Wanaka Tree. And then there was me, with my so average Camera inbetween them all. I had a Jack Sparrow and Caption Hook moment. But I still think I did quite well without any Filter, or Super-lens.
I spend a total of four days in this town. My days where not action packed, I enjoyed my morning coffee to get away from the Cold and I wondered the streets and the forest. I love the fact that there are Mushrooms covering the grounds, the fresh crisp air and have I mentioned the colors?
On one of these days I walked up Mount Iron. It is a “small” Hill just outside of the Wanaka town, that gives a great view over the whole Valley, as well as Lake Wanaka and Lake Hãwea. A little fact I learned at the top. Wanaka was originally named Pembroke and only because Wanaka in 1940.
On my last day in Wanaka I had intended to hike up Mount Roy, however when I woke up Wanka turned into a Winter Wonderland, which only happens about 2-3 times a year.
So all in all I do like Wanaka, when you visit New Zealand make sure you add it to your list of places to see. Oh and one thing you must do; If you want to be a Kid again for at least a couple of hours, then go to Puzzling World in Wanaka. The Optical Illusions are amazing, and the Maze is so much fun. I also must say I am quite proud of me I completed the Hard Challenge in the Maze in December, which resulted me walking around 3km around IN the Maze. And you do feel quite tired after those 3km. You’ll understand once you go.
Happy Autumn! To anyone on the Southern Hemisphere. And Happy Spring to anyone on the Northern Hemisphere! Go check you Autumn in Wanaka, I dare you!
Isn’t Autumn in Wanaka absolutely beautiful? Tell where you favourite place is in Autumn!

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