Hiking to the Sinterbacher Waterfall near Kitzbühel

Sometimes the best hikes are just around the corner of our Home, like the Sinterbacher Waterfall.
The Final Destination, of todays Post, Exploring your own Backyard.
The Final Destination, of todays Post, Exploring your own Backyard.

The Question to consider first is; What is Home?
The Dictionary says:
a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. / the place or region where something is native or most common / a person’s native place or own country.

Personally, HOME is where my Backpack is.
It is hard to define the Word HOME in a literal sense. Due to the fact that I have been home in many places, the definition get blurry. At some point you use the term Home, in many ways.

– I have a Home Country, but that does not mean that I live there.
– I have a Home I go do after Work, because it is the way Society Speaks and uses the Word Home.
– I can pack up my Home when ever I want and make a NEW Home. (There is only so much I can stuff into my Backpack before it explores. )
– Home is anywhere where I place my Backpack down, and seek Shelter for the night.

But If you feel like you would know more about my view on Home, are rather fluent in German or would like to use a Translator, I gave an interview on Zwischenzeilen with Timo, on my definition about Home. Go check it out!

Having had many Homes around the world, there are a couple of advantages.
Not only do you have more time than a traveller to see the hot spots you can enjoy the different seasons, and a working traveller in a place you have the time talk to the locals to hear and know about the real Gems in your new Home. The small Gems that the locals like to keep to them self, so get out there and communicate. Maybe you will also be the one to teach them a few things, or better yet just go exploring.

In this case it was exactly that; a tip from a Local. After she showed me a Picture of what she did on the Weekend. My reaction “Where is that?”, the answer was “Oh just a five minute walk out of town, and then about an hour hike up the Valley.” I made a mental note, to make sure I checked it out on my next day off. Lucky me it was a Sunny Day.

It was time for a small Hike; to the Sinterbacher Waterfall, in the small Village of Jochberg, Austria.

My Home for the past 7 Month has been in Austria. In a small village just outside of the Famous Kitzbühel, named Jochberg. Kitzbühel is well know for the rich and famous Hangout in the Winter but also for the World Cup Race. Probably the most Dangerous on on the whole Circle. Have you tried the Hannenkamm. 2016’s Winner said: Anyone who comes down alive, in what ever time is lucky. So there ya go maybe a Bucket List item if you like to ski, and be happy if you make it down alive no matter the time.

It was a Sunny June day, the trail followed along a River the whole time, knowing that all this water comes from the Sinterbacher Waterfall. Can you hear the Rushing to the Water? Imagine only hearing this noise. Before cutting into and up the Valley, the typical view of Tyrol in Summer an amazing reward. Flowers, Cows, Mountains and Green Grass.

the Hike followed the Whole time along the Creek (in Winter)/ River (in Summer, with an almost enchanting Forest to compensate this strange experience. There where Ferns, Dandelions, Trees off all sorts, and Dragons. It was Strange maily to the fact that never would you have guessed this Trail, this Forest is located here, it felt like out of another World.

 These Fern reminded me of New Zealand, and somehow I felt as if I was transported into a different World.
These Fern reminded me of New Zealand, and somehow I felt as if I was transported into a different World.

“ Everytime I see a Waterfall, I am amazed by the force that is behind it, to find such a force just minutes out of your Home makes it even more special.”

The View looking down into the Valley.
The View looking down into the Valley.

Colleges where asking the following day what did you do on your day off, I asked I hiked to the Sinterbacher Waterfall, and I realized that not a lot of people knew about it. Maybe during the Summer month it is more populated but too be honest I enjoyed the peace and quiet listing to nature and just being and enjoying.

And of Course no Destination is Complete if there where not any Garbage Cans.

Do you have a Destination, REALLY close to Home, that you would like to Share?
This is an Article, that is a contribution to the Blog parade from Caroline at Bergzeit Blog.

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32 responses to “Hiking to the Sinterbacher Waterfall near Kitzbühel”

  1. Home is where backpack is! I’m happy for you to find an answer for that much-talked about question: where is home. You’re brave! And I cannot completely say they same thing. Everything I travel, there is always that moment that I’m secretly yearning to go back to the familiar, to my routine, and to snuggle with my cats! The photographs are well-framed! Lovely!

    1. Maybe it is also the tough girl talking in that moment, but hey! I am dreaming about my own little cottage that I can always return to. 😀

  2. Looks like an amazing place to call ‘home.’ How long will you spend in Austria and where to next?

    1. I will be hear for the Rest of the Summer Season into Autumn. Where to next that is a good Question I am sure the answer will find itself.

  3. What gorgeous pictures! I definitely want to add this to my bucket list – had never heard of the place before, but now want to go so bad! I also loved your perspective on traveling, and the definition of home 🙂

    1. Thank you for the Love, and yes isen’t it funny how that Bucket List is growing and growing?

  4. Wow! Great spot! I love how the waterfalls looks!

  5. That is an interesting perspective of home. I will definitely be thinking of that one more, especially since I am not a nomad. A traveler yes but not a nomad. 🙂 Those are some amazing clicks. So refreshing and nice. Thanks for sharing them.

  6. Home is where you backpack is, does that mean you are nomadic? How long do you plan to stay in Austria?

  7. I love what you say about, “HOME is where my Backpack is.” That should be burned into a wooden board with some hooks in it and made into a coat hanger by the front door. 🙂 I often struggle with explaining where I am from, next time someone asks me where is home, I will tell them this!

  8. Looks like an amazing hike and the waterfall is gorgeous! I have explored quite a few local waterfalls nearby, going on one or two day treks. And while it is home, in a way, as in home country, I’ve moved around so much since I went to college, that to me home is not a place. It’s more the people I consider family.

  9. I live in Manchester where almost everywhere I look are concrete buildings or old medieval architectural buildings with small little stretches of parks. Not that I dont like it but seeing vast spaces of greeneries on all sides has tempted me enough to go out and live among the greens for my next holiday. and Your photographs are mesmerizing.

  10. It is definitely interesting how my definition of home has changed and expanded as I have met travelers like yourself. Looks like a great find! I always try to see the advice of locals when traveling. And I am a sucker for waterfalls.

  11. Blair Villanueva

    Soo green and your photos helps me relax in this manic Monday. Can’t wait for the next weekend and look for a lake nearby. Great post!

  12. I just love hiking! The views of the mountains, the freshness of the air, the coldness of the waters, everything is just so peaceful and relaxing!

    Elena | http://www.inspiredtoexplore.com

  13. What a great spot for a hike!! The variety of plants plus those views, this looks like so much fun! The waterfalls are just the icing on the cake!

  14. Austria is such a beautiful country! Sadly I did not get to go hiking when I was there. I like to go hiking in Cold Spring, NY which is just a short ride away from my hometown of NYC.

  15. I like to explore the area I live in also. I have been cycling it recently and discover new beautiful places that I didn’t know about. You are lucky to live near such a wonderful hike with such a beautiful waterfall. Austria has some stunning countryside landscape

  16. The hiking trail looks so beautiful. Green and fresh! I live near some hillls and for the last 3 weekends have been venturing out on mini hikes around my place. Would soon be sharing more about them on my blog.

    1. Is is not just so amazing, a couple minutes in Nature and it so rewarding. Have you ever ventured on to watch a Sunset. I highly recommend doing so.

  17. What a great piece! I am in total agreement that home is where the backpack is for the most part. I love the green lush area you have hiked through. It is rare to see such untouched landscape looking so healthy. Thanks for inspiring backpack travel!

    1. Oh a kindred Spirit. There are not so many people who totally understand the concept traveling and living with a Backpack. 😀

  18. Such a nice place to hike!! I knew Kitzbuhel for the skiing path, but I didn’t imagine the neighborhood are so nice during summer too!

    1. Kitzbühel is definitely known for its Winter Sport, but Summer is the Alps is also very Beautiful.

  19. Stunning pictures perfect for a walk and meditation.Love your phone case ! Your thoughts on what is a Home makes one really think.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful words.

  20. That looks like a beautiful spot for a hike, it reminds me to Glendelough here in Ireland

    1. Oh Ireland is on my List of places to go. I think my expectations are so high however.

  21. This is a perfect set up for hiking. The freshness of the green is striking.
    Living in a concrete jungle this is a distant dream for me. 🙂

  22. What is it with garbage cans really? 😀 Whenever I come home and discover them in my pictures I get mad… this observation you made was funny-.
    Anyway, about the destination, it is really a great place for a few days out of the city madness, those greens and the power of nature is really inspiring, and your pictures are a clear proof it it. About a destination near home, it could be Lake Orta, in Italy. It’s a relaxing place, even if my favorite place in the world remains the sea.

    1. Haha, I am glad I found a victim of the Garbage Can Crime. But I get ya really.
      Nature has such a calming affect on us and it is something that should really be appreciated.

  23. Wow! The green is so fresh. The landscape looks beautiful with so much serenity!

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