Finding Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel

***UPDATED: May 17, 2017***
When you hear Gems what do you think of?
These Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel just might surprise you big time.

When hearing about; Kitzbühel three words will probably pop into your mind: World Cup Race, Hannenkamm and Rich.

If it would not be for those factors Kitzbühel would probably not even be on the World Map. After all it is just a small Village in Tirol Austria. There are many similar towns with a similar infrastructure but they just don’t have that World Cup Race, the most dangerous one on the whole circuit. For many Years Kitzbühel was also known magnet for a lot of Russian Tourists. This Tourist Market has gone down in the past year. (UPDATE: The Russian Market has gone up again from 2016 to 2017) But the factor Rich and World Cup Race still holds Kitzbühel on the World Maps.

The Main pedestrian Street of Kitzbühel is a cute little street with typical Austrian Styles Houses, however adding a Splash of Color to the mix to make the Street unforgettable and one of a Kind. The Alps, der Wilde Kaiser, in the Background are just a nice touch to the mix.

However what made my heart skip when I first saw all the beautiful Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel. To be more exact Garbage Cans!
WHAT? Garbage Cans? Yes you have read right. The Garbage Cans.

If you know my History and Story behind Garbage Cans you will understand right away, they are like Hidden Gems, if that is not the case do not worry, everything is explained right here. In the past 8 years, I have gotten quite a collection going, around 500 Photographs. And there are many more waiting for me. Garbage Cans can look pretty through all the Season, Summer, Autumn or Winter.

Do you have something that you always take a picture of or with on your Travels? Maybe it is also a specific post, like a Handstand Photography on all your Travels?

My Favourite Garbage Cans or Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel:

The First one is like a Dreamweaver; it makes you want to wish for something else, the Second reminds me of Winter and a Hockey Player, even though I think it is a golfer, and the Last well it is just beautifully drawn. Just look at it.

Now that we are on the same Page, and you understand my fascination with Garbage Cans, you’ll understand this much more. In 2013 an Art project was started by the Kitzbühler Art Guild, to make Art more viewable in the Public. To me this project is special. Out of something that “Garbage” something beautiful was created.

In reality it is like Kitzbühel own little Treasure Hunt, trying to find all those Hidden Gems makes the village more unique and special in its own Way. Can you find all the Garbage Cans or Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel?

The small Hidden Gems of Kitzbühel. Just another episode of the fact that we need to open out eyes to the small things in life and make them important and big.

Did you find your favourite Garbage Can?

Kitzbuehl Hidden Gems

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  1. by Sabine on August 19, 2016  11:43 AM Reply

    I love this...nothing better then local projects to make the city more can be created out of everything and why should garbage cans always look ugly...great project and thanks for sharing the city a really unique charm^^

  2. by Subhadrika Sen on August 16, 2016  7:19 PM Reply

    I have a friend in Austria. It looks a beautiful place. I would love to go there someday .

  3. by Ami on August 16, 2016  5:36 AM Reply

    Nice...I never realised how we can make garbage cans look beautiful. Lovely collection and a lovely thread of thought too.

  4. by Tae on August 16, 2016  5:13 AM Reply

    I love the garbage cans! You can't ask us to pick a favorite ;) it's little details like these that really make a place special.

  5. by Tamshuk on August 15, 2016  10:24 PM Reply

    Ever since my friend introduced me to Austria, I am in awe of this country. So reading a post about a city in Austria is always interesting for me. I love the pictures here and especially those garbage cans are quirky

  6. by Alina Popescu on August 15, 2016  9:58 PM Reply

    Oh wow, art on garbage cans! That is an amazing idea and such a great way to make a place prettier. Then again, with those winter wonderland snapshots, I doubt they were lacking in the beauty department!

  7. by Paola on August 15, 2016  6:35 PM Reply

    It reminds me the Ski world cup, indeed! So nice discovering that garbage bins are so cute!!! I like the one alost at the end, with colored rounds.

  8. by Veronica on August 15, 2016  3:00 PM Reply

    Inka, thank you for discovering Kitzbühel to me!
    Unfortunately, I am not a skier so this probably isn't my type of destination. However, I love exploring the Alps in the summertime. Your photos are amazing.

  9. by Chelsea on August 15, 2016  2:39 PM Reply

    Those garbage cans are so cool! I've never even heard of kitzbuhel but I'll make sure to check it out!

  10. by Blair Villanueva on August 15, 2016  2:05 PM Reply

    Those are cute garbage can! It would be a shame for people if they wouldn't put their garbage on right places. Such a great idea!

  11. by Ana on August 15, 2016  5:18 AM Reply

    My brother went to Austria last year and loved it! It's on my bucket list and hopes to visit there someday! I loved your pictures and those graphics on Garbage Cans just looks amazing!

  12. by Stella the Travelerette on August 15, 2016  4:34 AM Reply

    I've never heard of Kitzbuhel, but I love those garbage cans. That's such a great idea to have art everywhere. My favorite one was the can with the bird on it because it's so well done.

  13. by Christina on August 15, 2016  4:16 AM Reply

    I really enjoyed my visit to Austria. However, I never made it to Tirol. Fascinating about the garbage cans. They are definitely works of art.

  14. by Evanne on August 15, 2016  1:07 AM Reply

    Haha what a unique detail to point out. Those are some pretty garbage cans!I think I like the eye the best.

  15. by Pier Nirandara on August 14, 2016  11:53 PM Reply

    Lovely photo essay, thank you so much for sharing! x

  16. by Joanna on August 14, 2016  11:45 PM Reply

    That is so random, I would have never thought of looking for art on garbage cans. I have never been to Tirol before but if I'll do, I will check the bins out, some of them are really cool!

  17. by Pier Nirandara on August 14, 2016  11:14 PM Reply

    Loved this post, and the photos you included! Really informative and a fun read - thanks for sharing!

  18. by Rashmi and Chalukya on August 14, 2016  9:57 PM Reply

    Hunting for the garbage cans sounds funny but its true small things can sometimes give one bigger happiness. Its so innovative to find such beautifully done pictures on each of the garbage cans in Kitzbuhel. We would definitely follow your footsteps when we make a plan to visit.

  19. by Tom on August 14, 2016  9:32 PM Reply

    Never never would I expect a blog post about garbage cans. But they're certainly not normal garbage cans. I think you have indeed found a niche without much, any, competition at all. That was a fun look.

    • by Inka on August 15, 2016  1:55 PM Reply

      OMG why did I never think of this? Honestly thank you, never though Garbage Cans could be a Niche. But damn that is exactly what I was looking for all those moments, and times of thinking what my Niche could be. Only problem would be actually care?

  20. by Judson L Moore on August 14, 2016  7:36 PM Reply

    Even with the World Cup Race, Hannenkamm and Richness, I was not familiar with Kitzbühel. But I am glad I am now familiar with it! I love what they did to make the trashcans public displays of art. I will need to suggest that to my mom who is an artist and part of a downtown restoration project in Texas!

    • by Inka on August 15, 2016  1:57 PM Reply

      Please do, I will be the first to visit, and write about it. Maybe I could get my own Garbage Can to paint as a guest?

  21. by Alberto C. on August 14, 2016  12:37 PM Reply

    Those photos are amazing! I've been in some villages in the Tyrol before and they are always gorgeous

  22. by Star Lengas on August 14, 2016  12:29 PM Reply

    This is such an ingenious way to deter littering! Korea could definitely use them here ... sigh .. the ones with birds are so cute.

  23. by Sona Sethi on August 14, 2016  12:02 PM Reply

    Haha! I love these garbage cans. They are so unique and different. Very innovative way to look at things I must say.

  24. by Sheri @ A Busy Bees Life on August 14, 2016  9:23 AM Reply

    Interesting perspective on Kitzbühel. It's actually a town and not a village. Why has the tourist market gone down in the past year? I am curious to hear your answer as I live in Vienna and as far as I know there is still a large influx of tourists going to Kitzbühel.

    • by Inka on August 15, 2016  1:59 PM Reply

      It probably is a down, it just feels so small. The Tourist Market has not gone down, just the Russians that came. My guess is that the Economy has to do with it.

  25. by Jenn on August 14, 2016  9:17 AM Reply

    I love the pictures about the cans! This type of art always fascinates me! In Barcelona a few years back, there were some walls set to have a construction behind and the government run a competition between graffiti artists to see who got the honour to paint them. The whole experience ended up fantastic and it reminds me a lot of this one. About the beginning of the post, damn that looks cold!

  26. by Indrani on August 14, 2016  8:02 AM Reply

    Amazing collection of garbage cans! I too have some but not so many like you. :)
    I guess it is a good thing to pursue some themes like this during travels.

  27. by Samantha on August 14, 2016  7:47 AM Reply

    When you first mentioned garbage cans, I was thinking like why would you be talking about garbage cans? After looking at the photos, it's actually pretty cool that each garbage can has a unique piece of art.

  28. by Shounak on August 14, 2016  7:38 AM Reply

    Interesting take on the topic . Austria has always been one of the best places I have visited in Europe , remember going to salzburg in winter and doing a sleigh ride on snow valleys at -14degrees , simply awesome

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