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A Walk through Budapest in 50 Photographs – Inkas Tour
50 Photographs of Budapest_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography

A Walk through Budapest in 50 Photographs

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography

Budapest is not only the Capital of Hungary but also lies along the Donau, Europes second largest River. With a total of 2857 Km long the Danube, flows through 10 countries, more than any other Lake on Earth. Somehow this city can be a beautiful surprise if you don’t know what excepts you, even Budapest in 50 Photographs is a tough Choice and Judgemental Choice.

Travel is about connecting, it is about visiting Friends and bringing together the World. It should give you a reason to Travel to new and unexpected places, and also give your Friends you have met abroad a chance and a reason to explore their own Country or City as a Tourist.
Often we are so wrapped up in our Day to day life that we tend to forget the very small and somewhat beauty of our own place that we live it. After all, we choose to live there for a reason. While sometimes it may just be work, or family or whatever other reason, if it was absolutely appalling you would not be living there. Even if you lived in the Country, exploring the next biggest city with a Weekend trip, including a Hotel and everything can be more meaningful than you may think, and just the escape that you were hoping to get all along.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
This makes my heart skip, just a beautiful Sign, I think every city should have.

As stated above that is the exact meaning that my Weekend (okay 3 day trip) to Budapest was. A visit with a Friend. A Chance for her to be a Tourist in her own City, even though she does not live there anymore, for some reason the one Question people always ask: Where are you from? Not only do they mean in this Context, What Country are you from? Where do you live? But in what City do you live?

For me a super Hard Question, because all those answers have a different answer. And that is the problem with all people traveling, working and staring a new home in a different Country.

What if we don’t have a permanent address? There is a reason there is the saying: Home is where my Backpack is! Because even though we may have an address, it could just be a mailing address, that address of our Parents or Friends house. Much like my Friend, who had told me multiple times to visit her in Budapest when the Season was over.

Something I will not be told twice, visiting a destination with a personal tour guide and a reason to spend some quality time together. Besides, there is no better way to explore a city with a local, a person who has lived in the City for more than 25 years.

Let me tell you about Budapest and most of all how to enjoy it in 50 Photographs.

I was amazed at the Beauty. When you walk through the streets of Budapest you can almost taste and feel the different influences that this city had over the years. You will find Streets that remind you of Paris, high building, painted in white in a Renaissance Style, ending only when the street is over. You will find the Parliament Building, partly Build during the Gothic Time, standing around along the River. There is no light or right way to say this but you can tell that once Budapest (and Hungary) was a part of the Austrian- Hungarian Empire. Before the World War One, this was one of the richest empires in Europe. And it almost breaks my heart that Hungary is not at its full potential, that they are classified as just another Eastern European Country. Which is then again associated with poor, undeveloped and sometimes even stupid people. But let me tell you it is nothing like that. There is poverty in every Country, some countries are just better at hiding it.

In order to fully understand the full beauty and diversity of Budapest, it is best to chill relax, and sit back and enjoy this virtual walk through Budapest in 50 Photographs.

The Arrival in Budapest

Way later than expected, original time was Noon, didn’t make it there until 8 pm. All because one Train delay that changed everything. How a Trail Delay on an Overnight Train, changed my View and tough me a Lesson and I think more people should learn about.

But what a beautiful Train Station is this? Just look at the Lights.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
There is just something different about arriving at a Train Station than an Airport.
Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
Meet Willi, the Streetcar. So cute along this beautiful Scenery along the Donau, with the Budapest Castle in the Background.

Views from the Castle Grounds, over the Pest side from Buda.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
The Panoramic View from the Castle.

The St. Stephen’s Basilica – located almost beside the Castle, at least on the same hill.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
One try, one shot. Look at that Photo-amazing shot. Do you have a friend who can do this every single time?

Fishermans Bastion

A neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque terrace, located between the Castle and the Church on the Castle Hill.

Budapest in 50 Photographs Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
A painter at Fishermans Bastion.

A small time-travel of Japan, walk of the Cherry Blossoms.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
Between the Castle and the St. Stephen’s Basilica, there is this beautiful pathway (around the back), during Spring you will feel like you have teleported to Japan. Although I do think it would be absolutely beautiful also in Fall.

Budapest at Night, from the Danube.


Budapest Sign at the Heros Square (hint: go there at night)

Inspirational Photographs that make you want to go to Budapest.

50 Photographs of Budapest_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography
These.. so good. What are they called again? The best thing you get them filled with Icecream. So much better than MacDonalds which is right around the Corner.

Budapest in 50 Photographs_feat Travelblog Handlettering Baking Photography

Now that was it, I hope you did not get to Hungry and the travel bug did not bite you too hard. If so I am not sorry for it.

Tell me, are you missing anything from Budapest in 50 Photographs? Anything you would have like to see more?



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