Tag: Sightseeing
What Happened to 2018? A small Reflection of the Year so far.
Hello World and hello 2018, with a small reflection of the year 2017! I have a Question what the hell happened to the first Quarter of the Year? I mean really where has it gone, can you believe it is already April almost May? I feel like these three month have passed in a blink…
A Walk through Budapest in 50 Photographs
Budapest is not only the Capital of Hungary but also lies along the Donau, Europes second largest River. With a total of 2857 Km long the Danube, flows through 10 countries, more than any other Lake on Earth. Somehow this city can be a beautiful surprise if you don’t know what excepts you, even Budapest…
36 Impressions of a Coffee Farm in Colombia
Visiting a Coffee Farm in Colombia is an absolute Bucketlist item. If you do not get the chance to stay at a Coffee Farm, I’d highly recommend at least going on Tour. While visiting a working Plantation there is a lot you will learn about Coffee that you never knew about before. If you do have more time,…
On the Top at Sunrise, Kitzbuhler Horn
Sometimes we experience moments, Sometimes the moments experience us. They Define us. Sometimes other will think you are Crazy, Stupid or Clueless. When you do something out of the “Normal” you will receive these labels at some point or another. How can this idea be stupid? –> On the top at Sunrise, Kitzbuhler Horn! But…
Finding Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel
***UPDATED: May 17, 2017*** When you hear Gems what do you think of? These Hidden Gems in Kitzbühel just might surprise you big time. When hearing about; Kitzbühel three words will probably pop into your mind: World Cup Race, Hannenkamm and Rich. If it would not be for those factors Kitzbühel would probably not even…
The truth about Machu Picchu and how to still love it.
Ever have that one big thing on your Bucket List, that just Over- Shadowed everything else? Well I had this one DREAM, the one place I have always wanted to go to, Machu Picchu. As a little girl at the age of 8 I heard about the “Inkas”, having the same name was pretty COOL.…