Tag: schokolade

  • Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts + DIY Donut Pan

    Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts + DIY Donut Pan

    ~ These Oven Baked White Chocolate Cassis Donuts, have the perfect combination of a fluffy Donut, with a cake like texture, minus the excess amounts of Fat in a Regular Donut. ~  Have you ever wondered how to make Donuts semi-healthy? Without the Fat or Oil. See Donuts are generally Deep-fried and full of loads…

  • Melt in your Mouth Caramel Chocolate Cookies

    Melt in your Mouth Caramel Chocolate Cookies

    I really wanted some Cookies … at the moment I am definitely in Cookie Craving Heaven. Looking in the Pantry it turned out it was gonna be some Caramel Chocolate Cookies. I honestly think it is because of the Weather. Cookies and Summer generally don’t mix for me or at least never seam to be…

  • Banana Chocolate Bomb

    Banana Chocolate Bomb

    What can there be better than Banana and Chocolate together in one combination. Today this will be short, cute and yeah a small whimsical Cake. (It’s one of those Baked Delights when I just gotta happen fast and be fast to make, one of many out there.) Was gibt es besseres als Banane und Schokolade?…

  • Süße Schoko Eulen – My Nails Match my Cookies

    Süße Schoko Eulen – My Nails Match my Cookies

    There are times, when random things inspire you. Ever had that? I am sure. Like most woman i do like to paint my nails. Sometimes I even like to but a funky design on them. Even though I am closing in on the big 30, i really don’t care. However on the weekend when I…

  • Toffifee Birnen Kuchen

    Toffifee Birnen Kuchen

    Deutschland back mit Toffifee, zufällig als ich mal im Supermarkt unterwegs war, natürlich in der Süssen Abteilung, bin ich auf diese Aktion von Toffifee gestossen, na eigentlich war es mein kleine Schwester die darauf gestossen ist. Weil sie Tofifee verschenken wollte. Da dachte ich mir nimmst mal noch ne Packung mit, kann ja nicht schaden.…

  • Plum Gingerbread Cinnamom Muffins

    Plum Gingerbread Cinnamom Muffins

    ~ Image your biting into a Chocolate Covered Gingerbread with a a fruity note, then you got this amazing mouthwatering taste of these Plum – Cinnamon – Muffins ~ ~ Träume von Lebkuchen und Schokolade, im Einklang miteinander, dazu eine Fruchtige Note, dann hast du den Geschmack in deinem Mund die diese Pflaumen-Zimt-Muffins so aussergewöhnlich…